Hey parents!
So, this is a heavy one.
To receive the news that your child has been diagnosed with a long-term health condition is not easy. I’m sure many of you can remember, with extreme detail, how you felt in that moment.
It’s a moment that etches itself into your memory, accompanied by a whirlwind of emotions.
“How did this happen?” “What did I do wrong?” “What can we do now?” “How can we make it better?” “What does this mean for our child’s future?”
These questions—and more—flooded my mind. I felt completely overwhelmed.
I went home, closed the door, and cried.
I needed that release. It was as though the tears gave me permission to feel the weight of it all. But after resurfacing from that wave of emotion, I knew I had to take steps forward—for myself, for my newborn child, and for my family.
Here’s what I did:
1. I Turned to Research
Knowledge became my anchor. I obsessed with learning about Sickle Cell —what it meant, what care my child might need, and what our journey could look like. But I also learned to pace myself. At first, I tried to absorb everything at once, but I quickly realised that it’s okay to take it step by step. Understanding the basics first allowed me to make sense of what the doctors were saying and feel more prepared to make decisions.
2. I Found Strength in My Faith
For me, my faith in God was a source of strength and solace. It gave me hope when I felt hopeless and peace in the moments of uncertainty. I leaned into prayer and scripture. It reminded me that even in this challenging time, I wasn’t alone. This has remained a constant throughout the journey.
3. I Sought Out Stories from Others
One of the most comforting things I did was to read about other families who had walked similar paths. Hearing their stories made me feel less isolated. They reminded me that while the road may be difficult, it’s navigable. Their resilience gave me hope that my family could also find our way through this.
4. I Opened Up to a Trusted Few
At first, I kept the news close, only sharing it with a few trusted people in my network. This gave me the space I needed to process while still allowing others to support me. Their words of encouragement, practical help, and just being there made a world of difference.
Your Journey, Your Strength!
Every parent’s journey is unique, and there’s no “right” way to handle this kind of news. Some may turn to faith, others to friends, and some to professional counseling. What matters most is giving yourself grace as you navigate this new chapter.
For me, these first steps became the foundation for how I would approach life after my child’s diagnosis. They didn’t answer all the questions or erase the fear, but they helped me find my footing—and that was enough to take the next step.
At the Eli App, we hope to be a part of your story, helping you find your strength, build your support network, and discover tools that empower you and your family.
Would you like to share your story with us? Together, we’re stronger.